Oil/Gas Technical and Lean Six Sigma practice
Training support packages with software applications for the following
functions in oil/gas field business
i. File based generic query system , data processing and data quality protection, report
generation using Form based interface for programming implementations
ii. Further enhancement of the query system in order to incorporate diagram generations and
interactivity with diagrams, maps, graphs, e-learning screens along with some modelling
iii. Generic Process analysis and Improvement system alongside lean Six Sigma concept practice
iv. Core Technical and Generic process support in Oil/Gas fields processes covering some
extent of technical support to Drilling, fields development and production operations,
surveillance planning, reservoir monitoring and performance handling, process health check
monitoring and improvement implementations engaging statistical applications, applying
lean process promotion tools.
Generic data set preparations in training support for oil/gas fields business, illustrating
process maps, process risk control, process pain point evaluations and resolution support, e-
learning questionnaires for e-learning support on oil field geo-science and lean six sigma
Potential Upscaling to actual handling of Oil/Gas Fields Business Process Operations
It may be feasible to keep an eye on applicability of model support to day to day process operations and mistake proofing leading to process performance improvement. The main constraints in the use of the software model would be in its capability of handling data volume. Thus one way of applying the working software model could be by data segmentations by individual areas or fields and even sectoring the field if there are many wells involved.
Skill fit support in HRD performance may be handled by segmenting to manpower allocated to different areas or fields or if necessary to segment further then segment it by job families. Similarly the data management tasks may be segmented by fields or by wells connected to individual surface processing centers.
Salient parts in Oil/Gas fields technical and supporting business process support using an working
software module
i. Process maps- Technical and other
A process map can typically reveal work flows with involvement of different departments
owning different parts of activities. The software application can be used to further show different pain points and issues associated with different activities and their resolution status when viewed at different instants of time.
ii. Process risks and their mitigations
Process risks may be ranked by scoring the factors of degree of severity of risk, chance of
occurrence of the risk and ease of detection of the risk factors. The software application can
be executed in opinion surveys and response analysis in regard to scoring different factors
of risks associated with different processes and identifying means for mitigating risks .
Software application can also engage associated statistical evaluations.
iii. Process pain points and their resolutions
Software application may be executed here in carrying out opinion surveys and selecting
different pain points as well as the solution means to overcome the issues. Such software
application becomes associated with brain storming sessions.
iv. E-learning system on technical and other process, in HRD components
An e-learning software application can be executed as part of Human Resource
Development scheme through questionnaires put forward to the selected participants and
recording response and evaluating the correctness of the response. Scoring is accordingly
done following by computation of degree of agreement in a technique of Attribute
Agreement Analysis. The software system can also be executed to apply random selections
of questionnaires from different classified lists.
v. Data processing system, data quality protection and mistake proofing
Software application in data processing and data quality protection and mistake proofing
may be executed through Form based system of data transformations, querying operations,
error identifications at the basic level, statistical validity level and also at the level of
unearthing hidden loss making chances.
vi. Value addition in Oil/gas fields development training support
In this part, a systematic approach can be taken up along with software applications, for
directed training modules for different focused groups in accordance with the selective
different assortment of specific needs of different groups through a series of purpose-
directed specific e-learning sessions and selection of the participants, all with the help of
the concerned working software modules in use.
vii. Oil/Gas field well behavior monitoring support, problem source diagnosis and remedial
In this part of the exercise, software application may be executed to give visualization
support on maps and geological cross sections some illustrations involving different
parameters and also the wellbore schematics and exhibiting status with regard to items
such as casing, tubing, packers, Cement Bond Log quality, coring intervals, core study intervals, perforation intervals, casing corrosion status, layer intervals, rising oil-water
contacts , wells with artificial lift arrangements and more.
viii. Well drilling performance related statistical analysis driven design and operations
guidance support This exercise can take note of statistical evaluations on different accounts of drilling scheme having bearing on cost and time under drilling budget such as starting from drill site preparations to rig movement, rig up, water well drilling, drilling planned well, cementing,
coring, mud circulations, bits utilizations logging, well testing, perforations, well
completions, surface connection, rig down and more. Based on statistical evaluations ,
drilling design of a target well can get some pre-hand projection support about the
performance range profile for guidance, all with the support of the working software model
application support.
ix. New wells location selection support based on guided information from map analytics
Map analytics software application can have some good use in identifying different polygon
areas identifying sections that are favorable and areas that are not favorable.
Superposition of different polygons may be from different hydrocarbon bearing zones in
oil/gas field and would further facilitate to identify net polygon areas of interest. Software
application can further superpose different objects of interest and thus an overall picture of
the whole pieces of collective information can help to locate suitable location of new wells
for potentially good expected performance. Cross-section visualization along different wells
can add more to information support.
x. Well behavior control charts and abnormality detections
Control charts on well performance can be a good guide to detect if the well performance
in under control. In case of some unusual behavior in the control chart, such behavior
would be revealed by the software application support and this indication would warn
that some assignable cause may be behind such abnormality in the behavior pattern in the
control chart. Investigation can then follow for identifying the problem source for remedial
xi. Process performance statistical analysis such as process capacity, variations, abnormality
Process capacity evaluations is a kind of statistical analysis by the software application
system in order to know the sigma level in the process and whether the process has the
capability to meet the user specified requisitions. If not then suitable steps would be
needed for variation control, as well as improved quantity of mean value for which
different tools of the software application can provide some service.
xii. Lean Six Sigma practice promotions in the technical and other processes for waste
eliminations, mistake proofing system In the practice for Lean Process promotion, software application can help to facilitate 5-S, data processing cycle time reduction, information generation from data, process TIMWOOD performance adjustments, process Value Stream adjustments, KANBAN performance adjustments, Kaizen practice and more and in all of them, software application can render useful service support.
xiii. Drilling Surveillance planning support
Drilling surveillance planning support could be in respect of providing some guidance profile
about the limiting allowable range of performance as guidance. The evaluation would also
make assessment of the historical occurrence of problems such as drill pipe stuck up,
fushing jobs, well side tracking, drill pipe failure, encountering lost circulations and the
range of performance against different problems encountered.
xiv. Wellbore performance monitoring and remedial assessment support
Wellbore performance monitoring system can utilise a software application in respect of
sick well problem source analysis considering different possible factors giving rise to water
cut problem, production rate deterioration, undesirable quantum of gas cut in oil, pressure
drop in wellbore.
xv. Oil/Gas field wellbore surveillance planning support
Wellbore surveillance planning may look at different points of influence in making
surveillance plan such unavailability of any base survey data for the well completion,
inadequate distribution of wellbore surveys in areal as well in depth spread, no base survey
after well remedial job, no core study for some section of a zone, well correlation of depth
versus fluid property owing to scanty data at some depth interval, new wells being drilled
and needing base surveys, some well completions suspecting to show some abnormality
and need further surveys for confirmation, some erroneous surveys of the past forcing fresh
surveys. All such points can be evaluated through software applications along with some
considerations for an optimum planning scheme.
xvi. Production potential assessment evaluation support
In the assessment of production potentials different factors for information generation by
the software application can include well production decline and production projections in the existing completions Alternate possibilities of completion in the existing wells and projected
Productions It is possible that different wells can traverse through multiple hydrocarbon bearing layers although they may be completed only in some layers. There exist the chance of producing
also from other layers should the need arise and appropriate well workover jobs can carry
out necessary changes.
- production potential from the potential infill wells
There may be prospects for drilling infill wells in different parts of a field to get more
production. The prospect can be projected. - well stimulation jobs and projected well production potential
Well stimulation jobs can improve performance of different well completions in order to
give improved production. - Any other means and projections from thereof
xvii. Surface facility monitoring system and sensitivity analysis support
Surface facility intervention such as periodic shutdown of different components can have
resulting impact to some other facility components. Entity relationship analysis by the
software application system can indicate resulting impact.
Another prospect is to see historical records of impact and in this respect the information
processing system would reveal useful pieces of information from historical record.
xviii. Surface plants surveillance planning support
Different components of oil/gas processing surface facility that are susceptible to
malfunctioning can include pumps, compressors, valves, flanges, pipes, separators, storage
tanks, dehydrators, de-emulsifiers and more. Surveillance plan relates to identifying
different issues and the resulting consequence. The software system in one approach can
look into the historical details of trouble shooting and the remedial measures taken in the
xix. Lean Six Sigma practice implementations, process health check, process improvements by
various means Lean Six Sigma practice implementation with the help of software applications can look into process variations, process capacity assessments, control chart evaluations, measurement
system analysis, Lean process promotional measures involving 5-s, data processing system
that reduces cycle time, information generation in fast track, Value stream mapping with
situation evaluations and improvements, waste elimination through Lean tools such as
TIMWOOD adjustments, KANBAN adjustments, Kaizen initiatives and more.
xx. Resulting visualization dash board
The overall visualization dash board with the help of the software application can
incorporate graphs, tabular output, diagrams, graphs within diagrams, maps, animations in
order to produce an enriched dash board visualization system. There would be scope to
incorporate comparative evaluations also for further value additions.
Generic system of data processing
Background Generic Systems as Prelude to Oil/Gas Process Application Support
System Support Part – I
Background Generic Systems as Prelude to Oil/Gas Process Application Support
System Support Part – I
Generic query support system in Form based infrastructure
. Basic data processing system in file based system that runs in Form driven infrastructure
And includes the following
The primary menu bar at the top contains menu buttons for
Forms request, Forms commit, pick application group, pick block, pick script, execute
script, clear screen, enable graph draw in screen, commit graph, graph file edit.
- Forms
There are many forms corresponding to the type of scripts to be generated for data
processing. In the present set up, the Forms not only include for primary data processing
but also for enhanced option, process analysis and also the relevant forms for oil/gas
fields system.
All processing operations use Forms as the first entry point to generate scripts and each of
these scripts can be processed to generate output using corresponding stored program
- Scripts processing
Scripts that are generated through Forms would consist og statements that would indicate
which software module to be invoked for processing. A script statement would record the
data file or files to be accessed and there would be the information stored about the
concerned data columns to be accessed. Depending upon the type of processing there
could be other types of specifications stored in the script for processing support. - Data extraction from ascii reports
One option in the generic system includes extraction of data tables from reports, based on
some associated pattern recognition. Such pattern may occur in the rows preceding the
data table. End f the table similarly would be associating some pattern. - Data transformations
Data transformations at basic level can involve operations like editing the data records,
adding extra data columns for table enlargements, transpose operations to collapse or
expand data columns as needed. Date can be split, number can be segregated from
alphanumeric data, row numbers can be added, aggregate statistical information on the
group of data can be shown at data rows, in added data columns , system date and user
information can be added, sum of some numerical data column can be shown in additional
data column to illustrate some operations of table enlargements. - Data processing from files involving query system
Query operations on data can involve extracting classified pieces of data from data files
based on some criteria satisfaction. Query operations can associate two file join, data
categorizations, union, minus, intersect set operations and more.
-Data assimilations from files, database
Data assimilations would involve gathering data from multiple files and also from database
by way of first spooling data from database into some file and then gathering such spooled
data into a designated file. In this way an integrated set of data file may be generated.
-Computation operations and different modes of computations
Numerical computations can be handled by specifying the sequence of formulae is a file
and executing those formulae. There can be some occurrence of condition based
selection statements too to make selection of computation path. In yet another option,
arguments may be transferred to the formulae file from a primary data file and this way
computations can be handled for all the data rows of the primary table and result may be
transferred to additional data columns. Computations in query request may also be
handled in yet another option to accommodate simple computations.
- Incorporation of different mathematical functions in the computation system
Computation operations can have the capability also to incorporate different functions
as power functions, modulus operations, trigonometric functions, log functions, absolute
value function and more. - Aggregate statistics
Aggregate statistics operation would result in finding sum, minimum, maximum, average
value of a data set. It would also entertain count value in the data set. - Descriptive statistical evaluation through Forms
Descriptive statistics operation would produce statistical summary table of parameter
values for different data sets indicating also if there is existence outliers in data.
Descriptive statistics option would also have the option to draw histogram, box plot,
comparative box plot - Production of graphs through Forms
Production of graphs can include graphs of x-y plot, location maps, bubble graphs, bar
graphs, pie charts, band plot
- Production of reports by data sequence of scripts for tables and graphs
A report may consist of a number of output tables, some graphs in chosen sequence. Such
sequence of output would be generated by executing the scripts corresponding to them. - Handling query option, controlled by List of values
By choice, some query operation may be regulated through selection of a primary
parameter from o list of values. Such query operation can include production of output
table as well graphs corresponding the selection of the primary parameter from list of
values (LOV) - Programming implementation system to carry out data processing
Programming implementation system has the capability to incorporate do-loop
operations, if-then condition based path selections, criteria based query operations,
computation operations and handling of data reading and output storing provision in
sequence of steps manageable through series of scripts.
-Handling sequence of data processing operations and query upon query features .input
Data for other steps to follow.
Making query based on intermediate output generated through preceding scripts is one
effective feature in the data processing system. Thus the provision can make access to
intermediate output as the source of - Mixed explicit-implicit mode of data processing and report building
Executing a series of scripts without user intervention is an effective feature incorporated in
to tDe software and this would provide the capability for implicit way of processing without
time involving user intervention. This operation can be used for tabular output while some
other operations such graph production user intervention may be needed. In one operation
scheme thus a mixed implicit-explicit mode can be a possibility. - Application building and storing applications for reuse
Application building will have a series of processing steps stored under some designated
application which can be re-used at different instants of time by invoking them as needed.
There would be the need to recreate them and instead they can just be invoked from stored facility.
Generic system of data processing
Background Generic Systems as Prelude to Oil/Gas Process Application Support
System Support Part – II
Background Generic Systems as Prelude to Oil/Gas Process Application Support
System Support Part – II
Further Enhancement over the Form based system by incorporating various
value-added elements:
- Boundary making in x-y graphs and location map graph from data and object capture
This exercise would first display the graph and then pushing Enable button with give the
exercise the capability to mark lines to form boundary and commit button to commit the
boundary. By option multiple overlapping boundaries from different perspectives can be
drawn and this process can generate a net polygon. Object captured by such net polygon
can be identified by invoking the script for object capture from graph map boundary. - Diagram incorporation into system
Option-1: using template support
The template option of drawing diagrams in the screen is facilitated by choosing shape of
diagram components such as rectangle, diamond, oval, trapezoid etc from a display list at
one end of the screen. In this way a process diagram can be displayed in the screen. Texts
can be associated and displayed inside each diagram component. This diagram making
would generate a diagram file which can be equated with its physical equivalent using file
join by unique keys. Such feature helps to display status of object components
corresponding to the status of the actual physical component of object being represented
in the diagram.
Option-2: hot linking image of externally developed diagram
In this option image of an externally defined diagram is brought into display. Using the
Enable and Commit buttons now, boundaries are drawn and committed at different
component parts of the drawing. These boundaries are equated by tagging unique keys
in the diagram file with respect to unique keys in the file describing the physical object.
if the status of any of the physical component changes, it can be represented by
designated colour coding of the boundaries representing the physical objects.
Option-3: using data description In this option, data for the diagram is actually defined by series of statements that defines parts of the diagram. Each statement can state the component shape, the dimensions, the color code, the texts associated. In this way all the components of the total diagram can be defined. Such statements may then be executed by invoking the designated method in order to display the diagram in the screen.
Diagram statements can be defined under different blocks of statements in order to bring
overall impact, including superpositions.
-Graphs and diagrams within diagram
A diagram can have arbitrary dimensions, while a graph would have to have some specific
dimension. Thus here is a case of describing dimensioned object inside some arbitrarily
chosen size of sketch, where the objective is to draw graph within diagram. The dimension
of the graph would however be limited by the arbitrary size of the diagram.
In case of drawing diagram within diagram, both can be chosen in arbitrary scale, however
the size of the confined diagram component would be limited by the size of the diagram that
All of these exercises can be supported by the working software model through invoking
relevant methods in the model. As for instance the software working model can be utilized in
describing objects like milestones made of diagram parts and, scaled activity schedule by bar
graphs (vertical, horizontal as relevant), pie charts E-learning system and opinion e-survey system by interactivity with screen and generating response status files .
e-learning and e-opinion survey are questionnaire based exercises which present sets of
questions with options for answer. The participants would provide their response which be
captured in designed files.
Such responses after assimilation can be subsequently subjected to statistical evaluations
under a separate scheme dedicated for process analysis. A generic system of process analysis
and process improvement would handle the necessary statistical evaluations.
- Incorporating animation features in graphs, diagrams, maps
Animation features in graphs, diagrams and maps are specialised features that user may
desire to show in connection with different evaluations. In the present scope of work under
this enhanced system, such feature is incorporated as a demonstration. The practical use of
animations can be made in different other modules such as in process analysis, in
engineering demonstration of construction progress in connection with project
management. Such demonstrations are however outside the scope of the current volume. - interactive Modelling in screen and using mathematical and statistical tools further
. Map analytics using graphs and map images as starting point
Map analytics has been extensively covered in this volume based on surface location
maps as well as subsurface contour maps. The scope of work covers boundary marking
and object capture in surface location map, then define directional orientations for
drawing cross-section of parameter status, drawing polygons and net polygons of
interest in the surface map.
Exercises with contour maps are even more elaborate and covers map segmentations,
digitization, superpositions, computing parameter values at common grid points,
highlighting cells corresponding to defined criteria, extending regression analysis based
correlations from laboratory studies to all parts of the target area, carrying out reserve
estimations in designated polygons of interest, identifying suitable location of new objects
based on total picture and more all supported by the working software model through
appropriate modules.
. Graph extrapolations using interactivity with graphs
Graph extrapolation can involve x-y normal graphs, semi-log graphs and
extrapolation can be linear as well as non-linear.
— Data extraction by interactivity with graph and map images Interactivity with graph and map image can enable extraction of data values for record and thereby providing additional source of data.
– Interactivity with isometric drawing prepared from plan, elevation and side views
Isometric drawing drawn from plan, elevation and side views in engineering diagrams
would be having some parts that would remain hidden. Uses can in some cases mark
such lines interactively that should remain hidden in the isometric view.
— Defining root cause analysis diagram interacting with the screen
Root cause analysis in connection with problems and issues may be represented by fish
bone diagram which may be interactively drawn based on brain storming based
-Production of dash board , superposition on dash board objects
A dash board may be designed to be a collection of all different illustrations as a full fledged
indicator. It can have the enrichment through inclusion of graphs, data tables, diagrams,
maps, animations and such collective information can be supported through the working
software model.
- Additional software programming option through external layer, in order to allow
application upscaling , while maintaining compressed user interface.
In yet an additional feature in this volume, a facility of further software development
using simple Basic type of language may be entertained for some specific purpose such
as handling complex nested program statements at ease. Further use lies in application
upscaling through encapsulating a series of scripts within a module in the external
software and presenting the module as the summary statement in the application
sequence. In this way a large program may be greatly compressed within manageable
The generic system along with the enhancement is the base foundation of the software
model for onward process analysis and improvement support, as well for support to
other developments such as Project Management support system, business performance
monitoring system and more.
Generic system of Process Analysis & Improvements Background Generic Systems as Prelude to Oil/Gas Process Application Support
System Support Part – III
System Support Part – III
Training module support to Process analysis and improvement system in
general, in relation to oil/gas processes
A comprehensive system for process analysis and improvements can have its growth in different phases considering the vast array of business areas that get served. The core processes can vary from one industry to other and one service type to other.
However to start with, the generic processes which may be more or less common to good extent may be addressed first. This has been the case in the current scope of work in the process analysis and improvement, confining mainly to the generic common processes that get applied also in respect of oil/gas generic processes Such training module would consider some data sets for the generic processes that have common applicability to processes in general in different businesses including that for Primary, Manufacturing and Service sectors. The core business processes for different businesses can however vary from one business to other and attempt will be confined to cover description of some process flow diagrams /maps without going into internal technical details. With the help of the working software model, presently the training modules would cover the following aspects in respect of the scope of process analysis and process improvement system focusing primarily on the generic processes
i. Representing basic 7-tools of quality in pursuit of Lean Six Sigma practice
In this exercise, the focus area is in having the capability in the working software model to
represent the following tools namely,
i. flow chart
ii. Check sheet
iii. Scatter plot
iv. Pareto chart
v. Fishbone diagram
vi. Control chart
vii. Histogram
ii. Exercising Process centric, customer focussed, data driven approach of Lean Six Sigma
practice and corresponding support system from working software model to meet the
need In line with Lean Six Sigma practice, the processes are at the core and all methods in the
working software model address processes as such and depends upon data to work with
and the yardstick of performance is reflected through where it meets customer needs.
These three factors are under central consideration in the working software model.
iii. KANO’S model and process Critical to quality (CTQ) detections
Kano’S Model is an approach that facilitates identification of critical factors associated with
a process. In the working software model, this model can be represented to carry out the
exercise of identifying factors critical to quality that must be aimed for.
iv. Detecting critical to process factors to best meet the CTQs and verifying the impact
Critical to process factors (CTPs) are those that have to be cared for in order to achieve the
CTQs as the result. The working software model can use some effective approach to judge if
the CTPs identified do serve for the attainment of the CTQs
v. Process maps primarily for the generic processes and some inferred core businesses
Process map drawn with the help of the working software model will indicate activities
associated with different departments. It will also depict the sequence of activities in which
different de[arts may have pats in interdependent manner so that work activity in one
business unit under a department may depend upon receiving input from another
department. Process map with its activity node may also show different associated issues,
training records or other parameters of interest.
vi. Process pain points in generic processes
Process pain points are the issues experienced while running different activities in the
process and can be reveled through brain storming session involving opinions expressed.
Having identified issues, their solutions may also be identified through opinion surveys in
brain storming sessions. Further statistical categorizations may be entertained by the
working software model for deriving follow up measures preferably with optimization
vii. Process control charts
Process control charts can be of different types. Thus for continuous types of data, the
control charts are xBarR chart and iMR chart. Other charts for attribute types of data include
C chart, U chart, P chart, nP chart.
The working software model can present such charts as relevant. If there is some unusual in
the control chart, then the software model has the capability to detect such abnormalities.
viii. Process variations analysis
Process performance can have variations and data distribution will depict such variations.
There can be random variations that are not within the control of the user but such
variations may not be statistically significant. Other causes different from random nature
can give variations of significant nature. Standard deviations and normality or non-normal
type of data distributions are some features observed in process variation analysis through
data evaluations, with the help of the working software model.
ix. Process performance evaluation system including control charts, measurement system
analysis, process capacity evaluations and more
Process performance evaluation system in the current scope has in-fact incorporated a
number of evaluations in the working software model and includes descriptive statistical
graphs such as Histograms, box plots, comparative box plots, measurement system analysis,
control chart evaluations, process capacity evaluations, data error evaluations etc.
x. Statistical analysis- descriptive and inferential statistics
Descriptive statistics analysis using the working software model considers the whole
population of concerned data and data distribution is depicted through histogram, box plot,
comparative box plot.
In case of inferential statics handled within the working model, samples of data picked at
random can be subjected to hypothesis tests using the relevant theorems of statistics and
using the appropriate statistical tools for the hypothesis tests and finding results expressed
in terms of range within some confidence interval.
xi. Process capacity evaluations
Process capacity evaluations reveal capacity of the process to perform satisfactorily for the
given specification ranges by the user community and one measure of such capability is the
sigma level of the actual process performance. The parameters computed in this
connections are Cp and CPk. If such parameter values are above 1 then the process is
capable. The working software model in the current scope applies appropriate formulae to
come up with the values of Cp and CPk.
xii. Process risks and risk mitigations in brain storming sessions
Process risks and risk mitigation measures may be derived from opinion surveys in brain
storming sessions. A sample list of risks associated with different components of different
generic processes have been listed for the purpose of example demonstrations. These can
be represented in the process map as one kind of illustrations of features associated with
In actual practice it is possible that the list could different from the currently presented
depending upon the business situation of the organization. The current list is for training
xiii. Surveillance system and optimization drive
Surveillance system in the generic system would essentially identify malfunctioning in the
process flow such as undesirable variations in the process flow in terms of process cost, time
taken, quality of deliverables. Systematic measurements are thus the pre-requite.
The working software model has the features to carry out necessary evaluations through
different evaluation tools. Error detections, unusual trends, defects etc are elements looked
into along with process performance variations.
xiv. E-learning support for skill fit
e-learning support in the current list uses a pool of questionnaires that pertains to different
characteristics of process features and features of Lean Six Sigma practice. It also covers list
of questionnaires relevant to different generic processes. These questionnaires could be
valid also in the actual practice, but there could additional items in the actual situation of
the business.
The current working software model takes care to categorize further the training modules as
well as training participants in a drive to optimize training schemes for effective skill fit.
Process improvements – different means of Lean practice and other such as
- 5-S includes
Sort, streamline, shine, standardise and sustain. Together they would bring lean effect to
the process performance and eliminate waste.
TIMWOOD includes waste elimination areas such as in Transport, inventory, motion,
waiting. over processing, over production, defects. Dynamic allocation of resources by
adjustments can overcome inventory accumulation, waiting time elimination. Just in time
supply can minimise inventory cost. Sharing transport and transport in bulk can minimise
transport cost. Pull versus push approach can eliminate over-production. Focus on quality
consciousness by appropriate skilling is one way to minimize defects.
. Kaizen
Kaizen approach can be at different scales varying from continuous incremental
improvements to break through changes in process by spectacular innovation.
. KANBAN adjustments
KANBAN can be in the form a system of raising some flag of warning so that prompt pro-
active steps are initiated to avoid work from being put on hold for want of supplies.
KANBAN system can also include some board showing comparative progress being made
by different elements and one can by looking at the board judge which element is
faltering and needing extra support. Proper adjustment can then be initiated to provide
such support in time.
. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) adjustments
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) revels the status of different components associated with
value stream flow diagram and the associated components are presented in tabular
structure. It may contain information for different activity nodes information about
machine down time, effective shift hours, hours of overtime, set up time during shift
change, number of machines, number of labour force and other.
. Design of Experiment (DOE)
Design of Experiment is a kind of tools in Lean Six Sigma practice in which impact of
different variables on process performance is evaluated under control condition. The
experimental result can yield regression formulation which can be to derive output values
corresponding different mix of independent variables.
The current provision in the working software attempts to draw contour profile for a two
variable case and favourable mix of components can be picked from the contour profile.
. Optimization support
In the optimization support, some scope of hidden losses are overcome by proper
allocation of production quota through optimized solution of production sharing.
. Data processing cycle time reduction by automations
Data processing cycle time can be minimized by some kind of automation by
programming support. Such provisions could be implemented in the current working
software model to some satisfactory extent in the area involving file based data processing
through generic processing system
.Information generation system by Form driven programming application support
Information generation in fast mode provides lean process support and the current
working model is an approach that can implement programming effect to generate
information in quick mode.
. Mistake proofing system
Mistake proofing system in an elaborate arrangement can include multiple illustrations in
the form of informing what could be stopped from happening and has not been stopped
but comes with warning message for active action by the responsible operators. Together
they constitute preventive arrangement at some extra cost, but the net effect of cost
can far exceed the investment.
The various elements of preventive action includes that for data syntax The various
elements of preventive action includes that for data syntax check, data statistical error
check, measurement system analysis driven error check, control chart analysis based error
check, map analytics and design of analysis based hidden loss prevention proactive
warning, HRD evaluation based action steps advisable for skill fit at optimum cost path,
optimization analysis based production allocations and different tools for lean process
promotions that seek to eliminate waste.
. QFD based process design support
in the quality flow deployment, the user specifications are sought to ne matched by
corresponding product design features and the QFD diagram also compares competitor
product strengths. The idea is to take of process performance to be high right from start so
that process right from start perform at high sigma level.
The working software model here is equipped with the capability to present a
comprehensive diagram for QFD along with behaviour highlighting and monitoring.
.Pull instead of push in process flow rational
In this pull approach production activity is optimized as production operation is by exact
Demand for the right amount. There is no over-production type of waste.
. Process rearrangements that accelerates the process flow
In this approach, process flow rearrangement with man power rearrangement can
make good difference to process flow speed by eliminating chances of some time
xvi – Synergy drive for extra gain
Synergy can yield additional benefit by overall efforts of multiple parties where sum effect of
gain can exceed what individual party can gain by individual sum performed by different
parties independently. In one exercise of synergy, when there is interactive preparation by
one department on the basis of some actions observed by other team, such pro-active
preparations can yield extra benefit for result.
xvii -Optimization impact through sharing of resources
Sharing of resources has the immediate impact on saving cost of resource by sharing and
having separate resource by each party separately at extra cost. Such sharing of resource
needs proper planning and scheduling so that there no overlap of time engagement of
resource. Software support can play a good role in preparing the conflict free scheduling of
resource engagement.
xviii – Optimization through Taguchi model
This would involve a somewhat a more elaborate matrix solution involving multiple
along with effect of interaction between variables.
xix. – Process dash board
The working software model can come into good use for preparing a comprehensive dash board
as indicator. This can cover different pieces of illustrations consisting of graphs, table of
information, diagrams with status, maps with status, some animation illustrations all in single
screen for quick and instant perception of process situation.
Components of Process analysis and Improvements in the scope of oil/gas training model
In the current scope of the oil/gas training support model, the generic system of the process analysis
and improvements model has used parts selectively so far while multiple items have been excluded
from the scope. It is a matter of progression that as the process analysis and improvement model itself
would undergo further consolidations, the oil/gas training model would also in turn be supported with
more enriched representation of the components of the generic model for process analysis and
Progressively the oil/gas training support model can itself get hopefully upgraded to increasingly take
part in supporting the actual operational process with live data with enhanced configuration of the
software model.
Sample Illustration
Sample image of geological structure map
Sample image of geological structure map
Sample statistical data normality test result
Sample statistical data normality test by multiple cases
Sample summary of statistical evaluation including detection of outliers
Sample Box plot
Sample Histerogram for a given data distribution
Sample illustration of comparative box plot
Sample well location map
Sample control chart – imr
Sample list of wellbore completion items
Distinct list of exploration items
Cpk exploration
Well schematics in x-section direction
LOV selection from the List of Exploration items
2-file join based on LOV pick
Extraction from Petrophysics data table by query
Count of cases by Field
Average porosity by field and Zone
Distinct list of Fields
LOV list based Field selection
File filter by selected Field
Well count in selected Field
Count of wells by Lov selected Field and its Zone
Example Bar Graph using well data
Example Pie chart for well data
Reservoir fluid property table example
Example well location with status by colour code
Example bubble graph at well location depicting different parameter values
Example computation of triangle area by argument transfer in computation sheet
Example computation steps in computation sheet for interpolation
Computation for Risk score
A typical evaluation for TIMWOOD
Sample Value Stream Mapping associated status tables
Example Attribute Agreement Analysis status – Measurement System Analysis
A typical Control Chart evaluation status summary
A typical evaluation of Gage R&R Measurement System Analysis
A typical example of questionnaire test
Example KANBAN related evaluation
Example KANBAN related evaluation for multiple iteration mix
Example CPK evaluation diagram