Handling of Support to Oil/Gas Field’s Processes :

1. Highlights of Training Support to Oil/Gas Fields’ Processes

Training support packages with software applications for the following functions in oil/gas field business

  1. File based generic  query system , data processing and data quality protection, report generation using Form based interface for programming implementations
  2. Further enhancement of the query system in order to incorporate diagram generations and interactivity with diagrams, maps, graphs, e-learning screens along with some modelling support.
  3. Generic Process analysis and Improvement system alongside lean Six Sigma concept practice
  4. Core Technical and Generic process support in Oil/Gas fields processes covering some extent of technical support to Drilling, fields development and production operations, surveillance planning, reservoir monitoring and performance handling, process health check monitoring and improvement implementations engaging statistical applications, applying lean process promotion tools.

Generic data set preparations in training support for oil/gas fields business, illustrating  process maps, process risk control, process pain point evaluations and resolution support, e-learning questionnaires for e-learning support on oil field geo-science and lean six sigma concepts.

1.1 List of Some Core Technical Processes and Generic Processes and some Process Map illustrations

List of Some Core Technical Processes

  • Exploration
  • Field Development Studies and Development Planning
  • New Well Location Release
  • Drilling Deign
  • Drilling Operations
  • Well Completions
  • Well Workover jobs for Repair
  • Well Surveillance Jobs
  • Production Operations

List of  Some Generic Processes 

  • Manpower Requisition and Recruitment
  • Human Resource Development
  • Data Management
  • Financial Budget Planning
  • Financial Invoice Handling
  • Business Performance Monitoring
  • Contracts
  • Material Procurement
  • Inventory Management

Sample Process Maps

1.2 Training Support to Core Technical Processes
1.2.1  Map Analytics Support

Relevant  Illustrations

Coloured area demarcation in blue depicting favourable area for new wells

Intermediate process towards volume computation from digitized cells

A sample Drilling Geotechnical Order Computation from a New Well Location in Map Leading to Projected Formation Depths in the Well

Well Schematic of a Well at Different Time Instants

Well schematic Cross sectional view of multiple wells at an instant

Drilling time surveillance status of drilling progress and issues encountered

Surface facility layout image with colour coded representation of different nodes indicating different levels of status

1.2.2     Surveillance System

Core planning in wells as part of Surveillance showing interval of data gaps (no colour in the reservoir thickness interval) for filling

Comparative statistical variations in data at different zones of a field depicted in comparative box plot

 Planning guidance for drilling statistical performance range – duration projected for a target well.

An Example of Process Capacity Evaluation Exercise in Drilling Time Performance

Status summary representation of control chart behaviour of different measurement points in different well heads in a production system

Well status distribution in the sample Well Location Map by X-Y graph

Example well location with status by colour code

Example bubble graph at well locations depicting different  values of Production Rate

Example well distribution in the contour map showing Bottom hole fluid sampling (in Green colour) from the  layer-1

  An Example of Minimum time gap in years in different wells on Static Bottom Hole Pressure survey legacy data

Well location distribution in contour map with bubble graphs, the bubble sizes depicting surveillance time gap for a survey type

A Sample Measurement System Analysis on drilling tool parts measurements by multiple operators in repeat measurements

A Control Chart to detect unusual trend if any in Chemical Consumption at Surface Facility

Surface facility inspection cycle time performance- Descriptive Statistics

A sample example of Surface facility maintenance process capacity evaluation

Example Bar Graph using well data

Example Pie chart for well data

1.3 Training Support to Generic Business Processes

Training support on Oil/Gas field generic process support for process capacity improvements, lean process promotion, mistake proofing

Data Processing Perspective- Data Control Chart evaluation system for unusual trend detection

Data Processing Perspective- An Example of Descriptive Statistics Data Distribution Summary

Data Processing Perspective- An Example of Data Normality Status Evaluation in multiple Data Sets

Data Processing Perspective- An Example of Comparative Box Plot to Depict if any data set is distinctly separate

 Information processing on fast track for quick support

Data to Information- An Example of determining Average Porosity at Different Zones in multiple Fields

Data Filtering in Relevant Information Generation-Object capture boundary marking

Captured object list from marked boundary polygon

Data validation check- Duplication error

Data Normality Check- status illustration

A Sample Opinion Survey Poll Response Table for Further Analysis

Number of Maximum Response Count for Different types of alternate answers by Dept-x

Number of Maximum Response Count for Different types of alternate answers in Dept-y39

Sample of correct response with Green Mark in an e-Learning questionnaire

Sample of incorrect response with Red Mark in an e-Learning questionnaire

Layout map having HSE Hazard/Near miss/Incident report – nodes marked in red border on layout image displayed

Company Restaurant rush hour service management – KANBAN based evaluation for adjustment


   Route Cause Analysis Sample Diagram Construction

Root Cause Analysis on Contract Delays in order to accommodate improvement in the Process

KANBAN Board item movement status and Stagnant Object Identification in Red

   Movement of Materials from Different Suppliers against procurement orders

Work delays in Vehicle Transport Workshop activities to deliver vehicles to field going staff

 Sample Value Stream Map

Sample Work Breakdown Structure in a Project in Project Process Handling

Data Table with highlighted elements of data to draw specific attention

GNAT  Chart Sample

KANO’s Model to identify Critical Tsks

  Capital planning budget allocation exercise in An Office  Building Construction Project

2. Prospects of Application Extension with Live Data of Oil/Gas Fields’ Processes
2.1 Segmented Means of Treatment

In this treatment oil/gas fields may be treated in segmented manner so that in each treatment number of wells to be handled would not exceed much, say not beyond hundred. This is in order to successfully permit the use of the training purpose software model for effective use also in respect of live data of individual fields within limited sizes.

This limited may be overcome eventually by system expansion.

2.2 Potential Upscaling to handle live Data on Oil/Gas Business Process

    It may be feasible to keep an eye  on applicability of model support to day to day process operations and mistake proofing leading to process performance improvement. The main constraints in the use of the software model would be in its capability of handling data volume. Thus one way of applying the working software model could be by data segmentations by individual areas or fields and even sectoring the field if there are many wells involved.

  Skill fit support in HRD performance may be handled by segmenting to manpower allocated to different areas or fields or if necessary to segment further then segment it by job families. Similarly the data management tasks may be segmented by fields or by wells connected to individual surface processing centres.

3. Software Assisted Oil/Gas Fields’ Process Improvement Scope

Highlights of Process Improvement Scope : Salient parts in Oil/Gas fields technical and supporting business process support using an working software module

  • Process maps- Technical and other

                A process map can typically reveal work flows with involvement of different departments owning different parts of activities. The software application can be used to further show different pain points and issues associated with different activities and their resolution status when viewed at different instants of time.

  • Process risks and their mitigations

Process risks may be ranked by scoring the factors of degree of severity of risk, chance of occurrence of the risk and ease of detection of the risk factors. The software application can be executed in opinion surveys and response analysis in regard to scoring different factors of risks associated with different processes and identifying means for mitigating risks . Software application can also engage associated statistical evaluations.

  • Process pain points and their resolutions

Software application may be executed here in carrying out opinion surveys and selecting different pain points as well as the solution means to overcome the issues. Such software application becomes associated with brain storming sessions.

  • E-learning system on technical and other process, in HRD components

An e-learning software application can be executed as part of Human Resource Development scheme through questionnaires put forward to the selected participants and recording response and evaluating the correctness of the response.  Scoring is accordingly done following by computation of degree of agreement in a technique of Attribute Agreement Analysis. The software system can also be executed to apply random selections of questionnaires from different classified lists.

  • Data processing system, data quality protection and mistake proofing

Software application in data processing and data quality protection and mistake proofing may be executed through Form based system of data transformations, querying operations, error identifications at the basic level, statistical validity level and also at the level of unearthing hidden loss making chances.

  • Value addition in Oil/gas fields development training support

In this part, a systematic approach can be taken up along with software applications, for directed training modules for different focussed groups in accordance with the selective different assortment of specific needs of different groups through a series of purpose-directed specific  e-learning  sessions and selection of the participants, all with the help of the concerned working software modules in use.

  • Oil/Gas field well behaviour monitoring support, problem source diagnosis and remedial directions

                          In this part of the exercise, software application may be executed to give visualization support on maps and geological cross sections some illustrations  involving different   parameters and also the  wellbore schematics and exhibiting status with regard to items                  such as casing, tubing, packers, Cement Bond Log quality,  coring intervals, core study                intervals, perforation intervals, casing corrosion status, layer intervals, rising oil-water                         contacts , wells with artificial lift arrangements and more.

  • Well drilling performance related statistical analysis driven design and operations guidance support

This exercise can take note of statistical evaluations on different accounts of drilling scheme having bearing on cost and time under drilling budget such as starting from drill site preparations to rig movement, rig up, water well drilling, drilling planned well, cementing, coring, mud circulations, bits utilizations logging, well testing, perforations, well completions, surface connection, rig down  and more. Based on statistical evaluations , drilling design of a target well can get some pre-hand projection support about the performance range profile for guidance, all with the support of the working software model application support.

  • New wells location selection support based on guided information from map analytics

Map analytics software application can have some good use in identifying different polygon areas identifying sections that are favourable and areas that are not favourable. Superposition of different polygons may be from different hydrocarbon bearing zones in oil/gas field and would further facilitate to identify net polygon areas of interest. Software application can further superpose different objects of interest and thus an overall picture of the whole pieces of collective information can help to locate suitable location of new wells for potentially good expected performance. Cross-section visualization along different wells can add more to information support.

  • Well behavior control charts and abnormality detections

                         Control charts on well performance can be a good guide to detect if the well performance in under control. In case of some unusual behavior in the control chart, such behavior would be revealed by the software application support and this indication would warn that some assignable cause may be behind such abnormality in the behavior pattern in the control chart. Investigation can then follow for identifying the problem source for remedial measures.

  • Process performance statistical analysis such as process capacity, variations, abnormality

Process capacity evaluations is a kind of statistical analysis by the software application system in order to know the sigma level in the process and whether the process has the capability to meet the user specified requisitions. If not then  suitable steps would be needed  for variation control, as well as improved quantity of  mean value for which different tools of the software application can provide some service.

  • Lean Six Sigma practice promotions in the technical and other processes for waste eliminations, mistake proofing system

                            In the practice for Lean Process promotion, software application can help to facilitate 5-S, data processing cycle time reduction, information generation from data, process TIMWOOD performance adjustments, process Value Stream adjustments, KANBAN performance     adjustments, Kaizen practice and more and in all of them, software application can render               useful service support.

  • Drilling Surveillance planning support

Drilling surveillance planning support could be in respect of providing some guidance profile about the limiting allowable range of performance as guidance. The evaluation would also make assessment of the historical occurrence of problems such as drill pipe stuck up, fushing jobs, well side tracking, drill pipe failure, encountering lost circulations and the range of performance against different problems encountered.

  • Wellbore performance monitoring  and remedial assessment support

Wellbore performance monitoring system can utilize a software application in respect of sick well problem source analysis considering different possible factors giving rise to water cut problem, production rate deterioration, undesirable quantum of gas cut in oil, pressure drop in wellbore.

  • Oil/Gas field wellbore  surveillance planning support

 Wellbore surveillance planning may look at different points of influence in making surveillance plan such unavailability of any base survey data for the well completion, inadequate distribution of wellbore surveys in areal as well in depth spread, no base survey after well remedial job, no core study for some section of a zone, well correlation of depth versus fluid property owing to scanty data at some depth interval, new wells being drilled and needing base surveys, some well completions suspecting to show some abnormality and need further surveys for confirmation, some erroneous surveys of the past forcing fresh surveys. All such points can be evaluated through software applications along with some considerations for an optimum planning scheme.

  • Production potential assessment evaluation support

In the assessment of production potentials different factors for information generation by the software application can include

                  – well production decline and production projections in the existing completions

                  – Alternate possibilities of completion in the existing wells and projected Productions

It is possible that different wells can traverse through multiple hydrocarbon bearing layers  although they may be completed only in some layers. There exist the chance of producing also from other layers should the need arise and appropriate well workover jobs can carry out necessary changes.

    – production potential from the potential infill wells

        There may be prospects for drilling infill wells in different parts of a field to get more production. The prospect can be projected.

    – well stimulation jobs and projected well production potential

       Well stimulation jobs can improve performance of different well completions in order to give improved production.

      – Any other means and projections from thereof

  • Surface facility monitoring system and sensitivity analysis support

Surface facility intervention such as periodic shutdown of different components can have resulting impact to some other facility components. Entity relationship analysis by the software application system can indicate resulting impact.

Another prospect is to see historical records of impact and in this respect  the information processing system would reveal useful pieces of information from historical record.

  • Surface plants surveillance planning support

Different components of oil/gas processing surface facility that are susceptible to malfunctioning can include pumps, compressors, valves, flanges, pipes, separators, storage tanks, dehydrators, de-emulsifiers and more. Surveillance plan relates to identifying different issues and the resulting consequence. The software system in one approach can look into the historical details of trouble shooting and the remedial measures taken in the past.

  • Lean Six Sigma practice implementations, process health check, process improvements by various means

Lean Six Sigma practice implementation with the help of software applications can look into process variations, process capacity assessments, control chart evaluations, measurement system analysis, Lean process promotional measures involving 5-s, data processing system that reduces cycle time, information generation in fast track, Value stream mapping with situation evaluations and improvements, waste elimination through Lean tools such as TIMWOOD adjustments, KANBAN adjustments, Kaizen initiatives and more.

  • Resulting visualization dash board

The overall visualization dash board with the help of the software application can incorporate graphs, tabular output, diagrams, graphs within diagrams, maps, animations in order to produce an enriched dash board visualization system. There would be scope to incorporate comparative evaluations also for further value additions.